Monday, June 15, 2009

I care a great deal for cuisine, often times I attempt to duplicate fantastic dishes or create meals from elaborate recipe. Quite possibly my most favoritist' afternoon or evening meal is baked-bird casserole.
The dinner is based on roasted or seared game-bird breasts with tasty vegetables and generally wild rice. Initial preparations allow for the preparer to ready poultry and vegetables in the roasting dish. As with most poultry, common game-birds pair very well with fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, maybe sage and perhaps oregano. Garlic is an absolute here, much as you like, if you don't like, you are a bland eater and will not be interested in this dish. Fresh vegetables I recommend to accompany the entree include, but are not limited to, new potatoes (the small roundish red guys), mushrooms- sauteed with olive oil and garlic preferably, green beans, carrots, and some people like cabbage, but eh.
Typically I sear the bird breasts in olive oil, adding rosemary and garlic as the birds cook lightly for 2-3 minutes. The birds are then laid over cut vegetables and herbs in a roasting dish, additional seasonings can always be added. I especially like to include hot roasted green chile.
Bake birds and vegetables for 15 minutes at 350ish and then remove to include part two.
Part 2: Add mushrooms and sour cream, return the dish to the oven for 10-15 more minutes.
Birds, vegetables and sauce is now spread over steamed wild rice. Additional vegetables, bread, tortillas, or salad can also be served. So yeah, this is some tremendously fair eating, the key really is poultry selection and garlic. Hope some have the opportunity to try a dish like this someday<

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Tyler. Like your blog. Hope you and Olive and Charlie and Clubber are well. We miss you. Lamar and Rachel.
