Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our little research project has turned into quite the info journey. I've been able to gather a wealth of diverse topic related info lately, plenty really, though now I'm beginning to question direction somewhat. In choosing prairie dog relocation, population control etc, my original plan was to bolster opinion and seek statistics for prairie dog relocation costs here in the state. Many research studies related to prairie dog colonization have been conducted over the last 20 years, much of this information, including techniques useful in capturing small mammals, has provided insightful detail into the role of prairie dogs and their communities. My personal knowledge of prairie dogs has been somewhat skewed in retrospect, for most prairie dog colonies or towns I have observed were black-tailed prairie dogs in ideal habitat conditions. The common occurrence of prairie dogs in metropolitan areas of New Mexico is where my argument gains virtually all of its' relevance. Certainly much of the information I've gathered has given my proposed argument far deeper roots. More scientific information, more public and private interest than I ever guessed surround the areas of these varmints! Things have really expanded, shifted with regards to my argument, in the realm of prairie dog colonization and it's potential benefits. Many other species are thought to benefit from, if not depend on prairie dog colonies. The implications of such findings will likely guide my argument further away from "prairie dogs are silly and fun to shoot!", kinda direction. The new plan is to focus on valid info regarding prairie dogs, I wish to provoke a consensus between all interested parties dealing with prairie dog policy and management. So stay tuned, I can assure it won't all be nearly as bad as it sounds-

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